Flower Wallpapers To Inspire You...
Monitor or i-phone?

I love splashin' up your techie devices with snazzy flower wallpapers!

So every month I choose a couple of images that feel just right. Then a little photoshop magic and voila.... a nice change of scenery that sometimes has a meaningful message as well!

Check back at the end of every month for fresh flower and garden wallpapers (download right below) - a nice perk to kick off a new month.

And you can check out the images of past wallpapers here and read their stories.

November 2013 - Fall flower wallpapers in scarlet red and gold - coreopsis after the rain.

Flower wallpaper red autumn and gold coreopsis with raindrops

The morning walks are crunchy now. We had frost several mornings and I can see my breathe.  But in the last three days, it's been unbelievably warm and I have "spring fever".  I can hardly sit still behind my computer!  Just like when I was a kid in school, staring out the window and wishing I was out there playing!

I chose such a pretty little flower for our flower wallpapers... the colours scream autumn and I made them even more intense with a texture. The day I took the photo at the top, it had just rained and the raindrops are still clinging to the stems. Water droplets are so incredible... when I blow this image up, the reflections in them are amazing.

I used two textures here, the one you notice the most is the detail in the bark of a tree trunk.

I've spent the last two months totally immersed in Photoshop, Camera Raw, Lightroom and all sorts of other creative courses.  I can't get enough of it all this photo editing!

So enjoy the results!  Download one or both of these brilliant coreopsis wallpapers.

Are you getting out and taking a lot of autumn pictures? Hope so... enjoy before the cold weather before winter sets in.

Become a better photographer
... keep learning a bit more every day

Get educated about photography and you'll make better photos!  There's always information out there, lots of it.... free!

I know, I know.... there's nothin' more boring than a camera manual... who writes those things, anyways? But they're an absolute MUST to use. 

I got a new camera body in January and it's like being dropped onto Mars without a GPS.  Honestly, it's a whole new territory and at first I just wanted to ditch the thing and go home to my old camera. But....

I'm a big fan of online learning. In fact, I have an ongoing membership with lynda.com.... tune in almost every day.  And guess what?  They have a course about my camera body! Totally a game changer... smooths out the process. 

Even makes it easy to find stuff in your manual and then, OMG, it's so easy to understand. 

If you're like me and you need to see, hear and do to really learn something, find an online course for your type of camera. When you're tuned in, have your camera with you, pause the video a lot and do what the instructor is doing.

Another totally amazing website with top instructors in many fields, not just photography, is CreativeLive.com  I have a library of courses that I've purchased.  The price is always very reasonable but if you only watch the live presentations, it's free.  Very often, they run the courses again on the weekend.  I watch the courses that interest me and then I make a decision whether to purchase or not. 

Remember, there are only so many hours in a day.  Don't purchase so many that you'll never be able to spend time studying and learning one topic well. The price for a course is reduced during the live presentation but it's not much of a deal if you never have time to study it! 

I am not an affiliate for either Lynda or CreativeLive.  I truly believe in the never-ending pursuit of learning and those are two of the very best educational websites I use.

There are a few websites that offer yearly or monthly memberships for all sorts of courses so go ahead and google away!

Another hint,  go to your local camera store and look at their pamphlets and notices, or ask the sales staff if they have or know of a course you can join.  Attending a live event with quality instructors and the friendships you make could change your photography forever!

Flower Wallpapers

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